Elev8 Australia is proud to announce a new product available for existing and prospective clients that will alter the way you monitor your business performance.
Introducing Elev8’s Dashboard Analytics
Elev8 is acquiring an OEM license to deliver dashboard analytics, custom configured to suit your requirements and business needs. A sample of what a dashboard might look like is in this email but this is only the tip off the iceberg! |
Elev8’s analytics will allow graphical dashboards to be deployed to staff within your business, depicting Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that will be real time working from your existing Insphire or Sage Evolution data. |
Staff that are allowed access to certain dashboards can be empowered to monitor performance indicators and be mindful at all times for the area they are responsible for. Each dashboards element is security controlled i.e. Tom can view Kalgoorlie depot data but not Perth, whilst Greg in Management can see all depot data, for example.
Deployment of Dashboards can be to workstations within the business and to external devices such as Android, IPhone, and IPad etc. |
Elev8 Dashboard Analytics licensing is annual with a minimum 3 year advance purchase which includes unlimited users, installed on a single server (CPU), mobile and desktop deployment and a generic dashboard complete with 15 generic widgets ready for your use. |
Price per annum is $2880 ex GST – Initial 3 year cost $8640 ex GST
You may have as many dashboards configured as you may require. Each dashboard contains elements or “widgets” which can be bar chart, line graph, cross-tab, pie chart, dials, heat graphs and more…. All of which have drill down to data, Google linking, drag and drop visual displays and much more… |
Each custom “widget” you wish building costs onetime fee of only $400 ex GST.
Please Email to arrange a demo soon!